
  • This site is presented under the rights of the First Amendment; rights worth fighting for. Unless otherwise noted, all content and photos were created by the Author and © 2013-2016 MadeOverMeal.
  • Made Over Meals is not a weight loss program and should not substitute for medical guidance on weight loss. Any information contained on this site reflects my personal weight loss experience and knowledge and is not intended to take the place of medical advice from your doctor. You should consult your physician before starting a new diet and fitness regimen.All posted nutrition information is approximate and has been calculated using the nutrition calculator on myfitnesspal.com. There is no guarantees of accuracy and use of different brands may change the nutrition information.Recipes published before 2016 may containWeight Watchers®  Point Plus information. The number of PointsPlus® were calculated based on recollections and assumptions of its author and is not warranted for any purpose by its author. This site is not endorsed by Weight Watchers®. Weight Watchers® and PointsPlus® are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. This site has not been reviewed by Weight Watchers for accuracy or suitability for its members. For information about Weight Watchers you can sign up online or go to a meeting.
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